It's About Time!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Geez! I've been bugging mom for weeks that she needs to update my blog. FINALLY she listened to me and put up a couple of new pictures. I've been enjoying my new car, mom picked up a pretty sweet hat for me to wear this winter, and I've been out playing in the snow with the snow clothes grandma and grandpa bought me for my birthday.
Hopefully in the next week or so mom will be able to put up some pictures we had taken at Peekaboo Photos. I did SO good. Everyone was impressed...as they should be.
I will try and keep mom more up to date on this blog. It's not like she has anything to do :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your snow clothes and your new hat, SO cute! You are such a stylish little man, taking after your mama already!


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