It's About Time!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Geez! I've been bugging mom for weeks that she needs to update my blog. FINALLY she listened to me and put up a couple of new pictures. I've been enjoying my new car, mom picked up a pretty sweet hat for me to wear this winter, and I've been out playing in the snow with the snow clothes grandma and grandpa bought me for my birthday.
Hopefully in the next week or so mom will be able to put up some pictures we had taken at Peekaboo Photos. I did SO good. Everyone was impressed...as they should be.
I will try and keep mom more up to date on this blog. It's not like she has anything to do :)


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Well, technically yesterday was my birthday, but mom was so busy making sure I had the most awesome day, that she didn't get my blog posted. I got a little car, and snow clothes, money and toys. I got books and a drum filled with little music instruments and also a little zebra that I can bounce on. I even got a star named after me! Mom sent my picture into Good Things Utah and I got to be on tv!! I had my first taste of yummy, sugary cake. Mostly frosting, but it was so cool. We went to dinner with grandma and grandpa Brown, grandma Peterson, uncle Milt, aunt Steph and Austen. I had more cake at dinner too. I had such a fun day yesterday and mommy did such a great job making it special. Thanks mom...luv ya!

My 1st Halloween

Monday, November 1, 2010

This year was my first Halloween and of course I was Odie. Mommy was Garfield, and daddy was just himself coming home from drill weekend. I went trick-or-treating, but our neighborhood had a bunch of old fuddy-duddies and only 4 houses gave out candy. I still had a good time though. I trick-or-treated at grandpa's house and he spoiled me with lots of yummy treats. Then on Halloween we went to a party at Holly's house (mommy's friend). We had a great time and I got to decorate my first cookie. What a great weekend. I wonder what could top it.....in about 4 more days!!!

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