My First Pumpkin!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

This weekend I got to go with mommy and daddy to pick out my first pumpkins. On Friday we went to Wheeler Farms and after me and mom went through the straw maze I got to pick out a pumpkin. Then on Saturday we went on the Heber Valley Railroad and got to pick out pumpkins in a pumpkin patch. I did a great job picking them out. I even got stickers to put on them. Next week me and mom and dad will carve them. I can't wait.

I'm 11 Months Old!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Yesterday I turned 11 months old. I had a pretty fun day. I hung out with grandma and grandpa, ate some paper towels, and got stuck between the treadmil and the wall. If this is what 11 months old is like...I can't wait to see what fun I have at 1 year!!


Monday, October 4, 2010

Mark October 3, 2010 in your calendars. I took my first 3 steps all by myself. I think it was the Mickey Mouse jammies that helped. Mom and dad were both there to see it and they were so proud. Dad was prouder because I walked to him, but mom should know I save the special things for her...like pooped in diapers.

And the winner is.....

Saturday, October 2, 2010

It was unanimous. Even though only 3 people voted, I'm going to be Odie for Halloween this year. It's a good thing too. Mom already has the costume! I can't wait to go trick-or-treating with mommy and daddy. Mommy ordered me a personalized trick-or-treat bag and she is dusting off her Garfield costume and we are going to go together as Garfield and Odie. To thank mom for all the stuff she has done for my first Halloween, I will make sure to get lots of candy for her to eat!

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