First Day of School

Friday, September 7, 2012

Today was my first day at Rowland Hall. I'm in 2 PreK. It was a lot of fun. I got to play with sand and Playdoh and markers. All of which mommy usually never lets me play with. I got to meet all my new classmates and teachers. Miss Julie and Miss Alesa are really nice. Mommy even got to spend the whole class with me today. If every school day is like this, I'm going to love school. I'm going to spill the beans on mommy! If anyone is really observant, they will notice I"m wearing 3 different outfits. Mommy wasn't going to deal with trying to take my picture in the morning before school, so she took it the night before. Needless to say she took some anyway and I was better than she thought! And the other picture in front of the sign mommy took when we went to meet my teachers last week. The rest however ARE of my first day.


  1. SWEET boy!

    Love the pics, and NO surprise to me that he did so well! He is an independent little man, and will do great!


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