4th of July Action

Friday, July 12, 2013

For the 4th of July I got to do a little bit of swimming with daddy and my cousin.  Then...I experienced my first sparkler and fireworks.  Mom is not a fan of fireworks, but she joined us this year.  It was so cool.  My favorite part was chasing everyone around with the sparklers.  My uncle Ryan bought a not-so-legal firework box and it was amazing!  Dad promises I will get to do fireworks again for the 24th...as long as mom has a nice bottle of wine and earplugs!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are loving the fireworks, Jackson is a HUGE fan also! The bigger and the louder the better! He was even allowed to light a few this year...

    It makes me more than a bit nervous to say the least. I will join your mom in drinking - but my drink of choice is mojitos!


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