
Friday, January 10, 2014

THE COUNTDOWN IS ON!!  We are officially 1 month away from going to Disneyland.  It is one of my most favorite places to go and I am SO excited to take Colin there for the first time ever.  It will also be his very first time on an airplane.  I can't say I'm looking forward to being on a plane with a 4 year old and 78 year old, but it will be an adventure.
I decided to do a little Disney countdown calendar for Colin to try and get him excited about the whole trip.  He isn't on board yet with the flying, but I'm sure once he gets inside the park he will go ape$#!& crazy.  Of course I will be taking pictures and videos and hopefully some of them will be good enough to post.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE his Disneyland countdown! SO cute!

    Now that this project is done you will have time to move on to preparations for Shelby's first birthday party!! :)


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