Party At The Park

Friday, June 28, 2013

Daddy's work had a diversity picnic at Sugarhouse Park.  They had a couple of inflatables, games and pinatas.  Mommy thought the snake inflatable was funny because it looked like it was eating me.  She thought some other things too, but we are keeping things "G" around here!  The pinata was fun.  They lined up all the kids, smallest to biggest, and we got to hit it 4 times.  I was the third person to go.  On the third hit I broke the pinata.  Of course I was pretty happy to get candy, but the rest of the kids in line didn't even get a chance to participate.  That's what you get for assuming a little kid like me is not going to break it.  They ended up getting another pinata for the other kids to break.  I did a 3 legged race with dad. That was fun.  We didn't win, but I sure did look cute.


  1. Looks like fun!

    Glad you didn't all melt in this RIDICULOUS heat...

  2. Looks like fun. Love you.


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