Lagoon Day 2013

Friday, August 9, 2013

Daddy's work had Lagoon Day again and I have been looking forward to this all year.  Me and mommy were still on the mend from being sick, so the day started off a bit slow, but once I remembered how fun the rides were it was awesome.  My favorite ride was Bambora.  I lost count of how many times I rode that with mommy.  My second favorite ride was Rattlesnake Rapids.  Mom and dad got soaked.  I got wet too, but not as bad as they did.  It was nice though.  It was so hot out.  Had it not been for the long line, we would have done it again.  I can't wait for next year because I will probably be big enough to ride on more rides!


  1. Forth time
    Pappa loved seeing you and mommy daddy ride together and get soaked on the water ride
    ..and I thought you and mommy were going to wear out the bambola.

  2. Love your shirt! I will take credit for that!

    Jackson's favorite was Rattlesnake Rapids and Bombora too!! Luckily he could ride almost everything but the white rollercoaster, he even rode a bunch of stuff I would not dare ride... And with his hands up in the air the entire time!

    Glad you had so much fun, and the taller you get, the better it will get!


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