Happy St. Patty's Day

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Harry the Leprechaun came back this year! When I woke up, there were little green feet all around the house. I followed each one and it lead me to my pot of gold. I had such a fun time this year following the feet. He was tricky but I kept up. All I have to say is that my special grandma was the S#!T!! She made sure Harry visited my mommy and this was WAY before Pinterest and all these other crafty web sites. I'm glad my mom stayed in good standing with Harry because now he visits me and it is way cool. Thanks Harry and love you mom and dad!


  1. aww!! cute picture with the Easter bunny!!

  2. Your grandma was MUCH more than special, she was AMAZING, and your mommy and grandpa will never let you forget that!


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