Accidents Happen...

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Why is it that nothing is more entertaining to a boy than poop jokes?! Colin has been laughing at this and talking about it all day. I feel sorry for poor Phillip.  He tried his best!

Give me an E...Give me an L..Give me F...what does that spell?

Phillip was so proud the other day of Colin's spelling test, he decided to try it out for himself. What's so fun about this picture is that Colin NEVER sleeps in.  He is up and ready to go by 5:30am. Today however he was not so bright eyed and bushy tailed and not so thrilled to have his picture taken.


He did it again.  Choosing to do some pretty different ways of getting here.  Today he pixelated himself into a Minecraft/Lego elf, and even brought some props with him. Again, Colin was not convinced that this was actually Phillip but he did think it was really cool. Pat on the back Mom...pat on the back!
(i was very proud of myself for the skills acquired with my own Legos)

lunch Time Surprises

Since this is Colin's first year taking lunch to school, Phillip decided it would be fun to send himself in the lunch box.

Boy was he unaware of the ramifications this would pose!  Colin and ALL his neighborhood friends assumed this was NOT the real Phillip and that the surprise meant he was hiding somewhere in the house.  Fast forward to almost 1 hour of 5 kids running all through the house calling his name, opening drawers and closets and having mom suggest over and over that this WAS Phillip, Colin finally accepted the note...but was highly disappointed and needless to say, Phillip will not be traveling in lunch boxes again.

If You Build It...He Will Come

Monday, December 5, 2016

Day four - Colin decided he wanted to make a bed for Phillip to sleep in. So on his own, he made a poster that Phillip could draw pictures on (I think technically it was a map to the bed) and with the fur lining from his coat, a cotton ball pillow, flag blanket and balloons for good measure, the masterpiece was complete.  Must have been some good construction since Phillip spent the whole day in bed!

Hard Work Pays Off

This week, Colin got 100% on his spelling test!  News of the accomplishment made its way to Santa and via Elf Mail, he was rewarded with a handwritten note and a reindeer Lego to build.  I know I was sure proud of this little guy.  Keep up the hard work!

Little Shop of Ivy

Day two had Phillip working on his green thumb.  He figured as long as the ivy plant was safe from the cat...he would be too. Not such a dumb elf!

Unfortunately, due to my laziness, the amount of dirty dishes in the sink was way to embarrassing to take a picture of Colin's reaction.

He's Back!...And so am I...

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Well, it's only been two years since my last post.  No big deal.  Not like life has been crazy or anything.  And since the last post was about Phillip our elf, let's make this welcome back post about Phillip's return.

Phillip came back with a bang.  Not only did he bring candy which became the breakfast of champions, he brought with him a new Lego advent calendar and a HUGE smile to this little guys face. Can't wait to see what Phillip gets himself into this year....

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