I Rode A Pony Today!

Friday, June 25, 2010

How exciting was today?! We went to the fun farm at Thanksgiving Point with aunt Wendy, Aunna and Emma. It was pretty cool. I got to see goats, one of them had really long horns, pigs, lamas, cows. We got to make our own butter, and me and mom got put in jail (I figure it's best to start getting used to that now). And of course...I RODE A PONY!! It was so much fun. Mom made sure I didn't fall off, but I held on to the saddle like a big boy. I rode a boy horse. He was the smallest of them all. And then we went over to the dinosaur museum to have lunch. I got to see some really big dinosaur bones too. It sure was hot though. I think I have to agree with my mom that summer SUCKS!!! Too bad I'm still too small to go to a water park. Thanks aunt Wendy for a fun day.

Hey Ladies!

I know, I know...it's not fair being this cute. This is the hat my mommy got me so I could be twinners with daddy. She got daddy a fedora for Father's Day so we could both be stylish men. Though I must admit I look much better in mine than daddy does, but I'm sure if he hangs around me long enough, he will pick up some pointers. Last night we went to a cousin's wedding and of course I was the cutest baby there in my summer casual linen shirt. Mom was so proud of how good I was. There was a couple of times that me and my cousin Austen started raising some heck together, but it was a party...you've got to let loose sometimes.

My Trip to San Francisco!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Hi daddy. We sure do miss you.

This weekend me and mommy drove down to San Francisco to visit daddy. I did SO good driving in the car for so long, but mommy did such a good job making sure I had things to keep me occupied. We went to Fisherman's Wharf and had lots of good seafood. We walked the pier and saw a seal. Then we went to the Aquarium By the Bay. That was fun. I saw sharks, starfish, mommy got to pet a stingray! Even though mommy put sunscreen on me, I still got my first sunburn. It wasn't bad, but mommy feels awful about it. The next day we took a drive through Napa and Sonoma Valley. That was really neat. We took a tour at Sterling Vineyards. I got to take a tram ride up to the top of the mountain where the winery is. Mommy and daddy got to have 5 wine tastings throughout their walk and then they got to keep the glasses. Mommy got her favorite wine along with a couple of new ones to try. She was very happy! It was a short trip, but I'm glad we went.

I guess that's it for now daddy. Mommy will send you an email to get you up to speed on the current events. I sure hope this week goes by fast so you will be home soon. Have fun at Airforce camp and stay away from Hooter's :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Morning dad! Boy, there sure has been a lot going on since I talked to you last. The neighbors that cut down all their pretty trees...put up a for sale sign in their yard. Your sunglasses came in the mail yesterday so hopefully they won't break again. Mommy pushed a button on your alarm clock that is supposed to change the color of the display...but it keeps changing all different colors and mommy can't get it to stop. She tried using her alarm clock, but it's broken. Oh ya, I fell off grandpa's arm chair yesterday. I got a little scratch on my forehead, but I'm ok. Grandpa is the one who isn't ok. He still is worried something is going to be wrong with me. Even grandma thought I was ok. And when you get back we should build an ark! Lehi, Holliday and Murray are having major floods. And of course all the rivers and creeks are flooding.
Mom was hoping that because she has been so busy the days would just fly by...but it's really lonely here without you. We miss you a lot.
And don't tell mommy I said anything, but ever since my little toy started making noise on its own...mommy has been freaked out that there is something else in the house. She has been noticeing weird little things around the house ever since. Frankly, I think it's just her memory. She forgets she does certain things and then it creeps her out. Oh well, we will just have to take extra care of her!
Hope you have a good work day today. Be sure to let mom know if you still have the weekend off.
Love you daddy!!

Caution!!! Not Safe for Work Pictures!

Hi dad!
Last night mom gave me a big boy bath and I got to eat bubbles for the first time. They're not too bad and I'm sure they will keep my mouth nice and clean. When mom finally put me to bed she started to do the rounds to get ready for bed and Nyssa walked through the cord on the Scentsy and knocked it off the table. I don't know how, but the actual base and light bulb didn't break. However, the little top where you put the wax did break. Mom isn't very happy about that!! And then we had a really big thunderstorm that had lightning and thunder and rain and hail. It was pretty cool and I was brave and slept through it. Well, we miss you had we hope you have a good day today.
Love you and talk to you tomorrow.

Im 7 Months Today!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Boy how times flies. It seems like just a month ago I was 6 months old.
Even though I should be happy today, I'm sad because my daddy is leaving for awhile. I sure will miss him a lot, but mommy promises that we will update him everyday on what I'm doing so he doesn't miss out too much on me growing up. I sure hope he has a safe trip and hurries home fast.
We will miss you daddy and be sure to check in everyday with us!!

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